About The Black Bear Hunt

Black Bear

Please Note: We now offer winter wolf and coyote hunting. Please contact us for details.

Upon your arrival at Buck Lake Outfitters we will get you settled in to your accommodations then start to prepare you for your Black Bear Hunt.We will select an active bait site and tailor it to your hunting needs. Our Bait Stations are widely dispersed throughout our BMA so that you will be the ONLY PERSON hunting in a specified area. This will ensure you of a Quality Hunt without any other hunting pressure nearby. We have multiple stands per hunter and you will be the ONLY HUNTER to have hunted that stand. We also require our Hunters to supply their own fall arrest system while hunting from our ladder stands. For the duration of the Hunt you will be more than welcome to assist us daily while we bait and monitor the Bear activity at your stand. Generally we only hunt in the evenings and our guides will get you into your stand by late afternoon. This will provide you with a good 3-4 hours of hunting time. If you are successful in harvesting a Bear we will retrieve, field dress, and skin your trophy . Arrangements can be made for you at a local abattoir and taxidermist. Your meat and Bear hide can be stored in our walk in freezer. We have a rifle and archery range to fine tune and practice your shot placement to ensure a clean and ethical harvest.